Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vine validation

It's a no-brainer -- if you've got a wisteria, you want it to bloom.

A recent question about getting wisteria and trumpet vines to bloom:
"Will someone please tell me how to get wisteria and trumpet vines to bloom? We've had them planted now for three years and nary a bloom, despite dumping buckets of Miracle-Gro and 'bloom' products on them. Thanks for your help."
Even though conventional wisdom has wisteria blooming in three years, mine took at least five to really get going. The type I chose to plant is a Chinese wisteria (supposedly W. sinensis 'Black Dragon,' which is supposed to have dark purple flowers, but it isn't). Chinese wisteria blooms on bare branches before foliage emerges, and the flowers open all at once, though they're smaller than the blooms of Japanese wisteria (W. floribunda), which open gradually from the top down and after leaves come out.
Here are a couple of additional reasons why yours hasn't bloomed yet: Don't fertilize at all. They don't like it; fertilizer will encourage foliage growth to the detriment of flowering. Prune A LOT. I definitely found that pruning often will force much more bloom. I prune mine at least four times a year, sometimes more. And even though directions for pruning wisteria seem very complicated, I say cut it back anyway you want ... the harder the better. I was so intimidated by how to prune a wisteria at first that I didn't do it. Then I tried following instructions and got really confused. Finally, I just started cutting away. And guess what? It started blooming abundantly.
One last thing. It is always better to buy a wisteria that is blooming. Not only will you get the color you want, you'll be sure it blooms. Seedlings (as opposed to grafted or cutting-grown plants) can take much longer to bloom -- 10-15 years.
On to trumpet vine (most often Campsis radicans or a cultivar of C. radicans). Like wisteria, these vigorous vines look like they need to be pruned all year long. However, since they bloom on new wood (this year's growth), they should only be pruned in winter or very early spring.
If anyone else has advice, please chime in.

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