Friday, April 8, 2011

Garden Roses Wedding Bouquets


Large-Garden-Rose-Bouquet2 An amply laden wedding buffet table allowed little space for a large bouquet. Height was needed, and a vase with a small footprint. A trusty cylinder does the job, and a collar of Annabelle hydrangea allowed a good base to build from. Only about three stems actually reach the bottom of the tall cylinder, but Annabelle, and sheer numbers, keep the other stems up with their perky blooms shining.

This bouquet might look simple– actually once everything is at hand the arranging process is nothing but fun, but the entire process from harvesting, to buckets ready-and-waiting is a pretty big deal. So this photographer, when not arranging "just-for-photos," is too harried to really do justice to a shoot. I did manage to clear the counter and prop up an easy background though. Foamcore (4x4) propped on a stool masks the kitchen chaos. Wonderful side light from a Northern window modeled the fleurs just right.

At the event, the bouquet, was perfect for the space allowed, and I was not happy my camera was at home. Maybe next time.
I should clarify that I'm not in the floral business (I have been). However, I do seize the opportunity, when possible, to play with fleurs at fab events for friends and nonprofits.

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