So I guess a how-to, home vegetable gardeningseries isn’t appealing enough to rebroadcast this year…the year that growingyour own food is the hottest trend in gardening and a hot topic period. Nevermind that the series already exists…in the can…paid for…and prime fodder for ahungry audience. A large audience mind you that is desperately seeking helpfuladvice specifically on this topic (many for the first time) and trying to dothe right thing in a more local and sustainable world.
The series I refer to is Fresh from the Garden onthe DIY Network. I am well acquainted with this unique and informative series,as I was its only host. It really was a brilliant concept. Each episode featuredone or two different vegetables while demonstrating everything you needed toknow to grow that particular plant, from seed to harvest in a single 30-minuteepisode. Never before or after have I seen such a series. We completed 52informative and comprehensive episodes, covering just about every vegetable youcould possibly grow over three years of taping the series around Atlanta,Georgia.
Since the production wrap in late 2005, it hasaired every year since. That is until now. I had not seen anything on the DIYNetwork website or program schedule touting it’s return for 2009. So I sent anemail to the VP of Programming. My inquiry was simple; “do you have plans toair Fresh from the Garden this year” I asked? After not getting a reply to myfirst inquiry, the response to my second inquiry was quick and to the point. “ThanksJoe- to my knowledge, we will not be airing the show”.
Well that was a shock! Ihad to know more and at the same time, state my case as to why of all years,when finally this series is primed for a bigger and more eager audience thanever, it wasn’t going to be out there. I replied to his response stating thispoint and more. Again, the reply was quick and succinct; “Thanks Joe-I hearyou, but unfortunately, it doesn't fit our current programming strategy”.
I passed the reply on tomy producer of that series, also eager to hear what they had to say. She wasnot surprised. In her conversations with the DIY Network execs, they’re goingfor a much more edgy style these days. I guess the ancient series I did withthem is so old style.
I needed to know more.Just to see if I could get a little insight for myself right from the source, Ireplied to this latest response with one last question; “could you briefly sumup the current programming strategy for me? It would be very helpful (in myrole as gardening communicator) to have a sound bite from an authority so I'llbe better equipped to answer when this question comes up again (as it doesoften!)”. Not surprisingly, this time there was no reply.
It was an honest question.What IS the programming strategy? If we can’t get an established network (partof the HGTV, Food Network, Fine Living family) to rebroadcast a show that isnow more timely now than ever, on such an important and exploding topic and sopertinent to their audience and for no additional production cost, then I’m notholding out much hope for any new gardening shows any time soon folks. Eitherthey’re not getting sponsors (very likely) or the execs that decide what makesit on the air, don’t see that gardening is important enough to get thecoverage. Am I wrong here? I hope not but until someone tells me otherwise,(and I welcome a response from DIY or any network) I’ll stand my ground on thisone.
What do you think? Is gardening,and vegetable gardening specifically, off the radar for “programming strategy”or is it just the lack of edginess and excitement of a four-year-old series? Idon’t mind passing the baton to the 20 something hipster host, but is that allit’s about anymore? Seriously!
About the photo: It happens to be the garden I started from scratch from bare ground just four months before this pic was taken and is also the very garden where we shot the last year of our series, Fresh from the Garden on DIY Network. It may look large but it is only 40 x 60 feet. I've had so many great emails and comments from viewers telling me how much they learned and enjoyed series. It's a shame I have to let them know it won't be coming back on this year!
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