This bouquet might look simple– actually once everything is at hand the arranging process is nothing but fun, but the entire process from harvesting, to buckets ready-and-waiting is a pretty big deal. So this photographer, when not arranging "just-for-photos," is too harried to really do justice to a shoot. I did manage to clear the counter and prop up an easy background though. Foamcore (4x4) propped on a stool masks the kitchen chaos. Wonderful side light from a Northern window modeled the fleurs just right.
At the event, the bouquet, was perfect for the space allowed, and I was not happy my camera was at home. Maybe next time.
I should clarify that I'm not in the floral business (I have been). However, I do seize the opportunity, when possible, to play with fleurs at fab events for friends and nonprofits.
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